Virtual Parents' Evenings

Video calls between your teachers and parents

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Market Leading & Established Platform
Over 200 million minutes of video calls have been held since March 2020.
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Secure Video Calls
All video calls are encrypted between teachers and parents.
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No App to Install
There is no app for the teacher or parent to install. They simply use their web browser.
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Multiple Parents and Teachers on the Video Call

You can have up to 2 teachers and 2 parents simultaneously on the same video call. Perfect for separated parents, shared classes or to involve the SENCo teacher.

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Runs on Time and Efficient

The count-down timer focusses the discussion and teachers can meet with all their allocated parents. Parents can join the video call from work or home with no need to arrange childcare.

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Pre-arranged Meeting Times & Duration

Choose when teachers will be available for video calls and how long each call will last. Parents are then invited to book their time with each teacher.

Virtual parents' evenings

Easily schedule and have video calls between teachers and parents.

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Appointments always run to time as the video call automatically finishes at the appointment end time
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Parents don't need to arrange childcare and can participate in the parents' evening from home or work
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Parents can join the video call from separate locations
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Teachers can share their screen to easily present information to parents
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No need to distribute hundreds of meeting links and invites to parents

See how it works

It's really easy for parents and teachers using their smart phone, laptop or tablet.

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